CAR LOAN APPLICATION - RCQ * Required PERSONAL DETAILS * Title MrMrsMissMs * First Name * Middle Name[s] * Last Name * Address * Suburb * State * P/Code * Time at this address 3 years +1 - 2 yearsLess than 1 year * What is your relationship to this property ? —Please choose an option—OwnerBuying or MortgageRentingBoardingLiving with parents * Email * Phone * D.O.B. * Status —Please choose an option—MarriedDe FactoSingle * Licence number * Licence expiry EMPLOYMENT DETAILS * Employment type —Please choose an option—Full Time with paid holidays and sick leaveCasualSelf EmployedPensionerDSP PensionParent PensionNewstart - Youth Allowance * Employers name * Employment period LOAN DETAILS * Loan required $'s * Weekly income (after tax) * Weekly rent or mortgage VEHICLE DETAILS * Vehicle type * Buying? PrivateDealer Dealers name (if applicable) Credit Details * Credit Status —Please choose an option—ExcellentAverageKnown DefaultEx BankruptDon't Know * Any credit cards? —Please choose an option—YesNo * Any loans? —Please choose an option—YesNo Broker's name SIGNATURE REQUIRED I have read and understood the 'Privacy Consent' and 'Credit Guide and Quote' policies. I understand that a prospective lender may view my VEDA credit file. *Please sign in the blank space below - with your mouse or finger: How did you hear about us? —Please choose an option—GoogleFacebookDealerFriend