Riviera Motors - Fast Application FormAll fields with a red * are required fields.Title *MrMrsMissMsFirst name? *Middle name[s]? Last name? *Street address *Suburb *Post Code *How long at this address? *1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 - 12 months1 - 2 yrs2 - 3 yrs3 - 4 yrs4 - 5 yrs5+ yrsYour relationship to the property *OwnerBuying/MortgageRentingBoardingLiving with parentsEmail? *Phone? *Date of Birth? *Status *MarriedDe FactoSingleDrivers Licence No.? *Drivers Licence expiry date? *Your employment type? *Full-time with paid holidays & sick leavePart-time with paid holidays & sick leaveCasualSelf employedPensionJob seeker - Youth allowanceEmployers name? *Employment period? *1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 - 12 months1 - 2 years2 - 3 years3 - 4 years5+ yearsCredit history? *ExcellentAverageKnown defaultsEx-bankruptDon't knowCredit cards? *YesNoCurrent Loans? *YesNoVehicle Type *Sale Type *PrivateDealerDealer's name [if applicable] Loan required - $'s *Weekly income [after tax] *Weekly rent/mortgage *Privacy Policy *I have read and understood the Privacy ConsentCredit Guide *I have read and understood the Credit Guide & Credit Quote . And I understand that a prospective lender may view my VEDA credit file.How did you hear about us? *GoogleFacebookDealerFriendTVRadioSignature * Captcha * = MessageSubmit Save and continue later...